Q Gender Analysis of Two Books Name: _________________________________________________ Book #1 Title: Name of Book Author(s) 1-2 line summary Read and explore your book - both the text and the illustrations, to answer how gender is represented in the following domains Stereotypes any stereotypes? What are they? If not, how are stereotypes defied? Active Doers- who gets things done, gets to do things, has responsibility? Roles – what are the roles the main characters have? How do they relate to gender? (a “typical” role for that gender? A submissive role? ) Descriptions – how would you describe the traits of two main characters (one male and one female)? Gender Expression – how do the characters express their gender identities ? (look at the illustrations, think about what they say or do) Book #2 is for Day 2 after we learn about gender-bending books Book #2 Title: Name of Book Author(s) 1-2 line summary Read and explore your book - both the text and the illustrations, to answer how gender is represented in the following domains Stereotypes (any stereotypes? What are they? If not, how are stereotypes defied ? Active Doers- who gets things done, gets to do things, has responsibility? Roles – what are the roles the main characters have? How do they relate to gender? (a “typical” role for that gender? A submissive role? ) Descriptions – how would you describe the traits of two main characters (one male and one female)? Gender Expression – how do the characters express their gender identities ? (look at the illustrations, think about what they say or do) INDIVIDUALS WRITE: Revisit today’s website reading, consider what you observed and analyzed in your two children’s books. How do children’s books reflect cultural values and norms? How do they also influence, shift or disrupt cultural values and norms? 2 paragraphs (minimum of 8 sentences per paragraph).
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